Release Date: October 6, 2023
Featured Nation: Dark States
Pre-Constructed Deck: 18 Types (5 New cards + 13 Reissue cards)
※New cards include grade 0 to 3 cards for the ride deck (1 piece each) + 1 rear-guard card (4 pieces)
※New cards include grade 0 to 3 cards for the ride deck (1 piece each) + 1 rear-guard card (4 pieces)
Extra Cards: 5 Types (1 New card + 4 Reissue cards)
※Extra cards are cards used to strengthen the deck.
※All cards included in this product are printed with normal treatment.
※Extra cards are cards used to strengthen the deck.
※All cards included in this product are printed with normal treatment.
1 Deckset Contains:
・1 Pre-constructed Deck (50 Cards) + Extra Cards (5 Cards)
・1 Short Storage Box
・1 Deck Holder
・1 Card Sleeves (53 Pieces)
We ship within 1-2 business days.
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